Peripheral Neuropathy Specialist
Philadelphia Podiatry Associates
Podiatrists located in Philadelphia, PA
If you suffer from peripheral neuropathy, a condition that develops following damage to your peripheral nervous system, you are at a higher risk of foot injuries and nerve pain. Dr. David Geltzer and Dr. Neil Rapoport help patients from throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to protect their feet and overall well being from their practice, Philadelphia Podiatry Associates. Call or make an appointment online today if you suffer from foot pain or numbness.
Peripheral Neuropathy Q & A
What is peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that develops when your peripheral nerves that travel through your arms and legs are damaged. If you have peripheral neuropathy you may have numbness or abnormal sensation in your feet and lower limbs. The condition can also lead to mobility issues.
What are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?
The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:
- Burning
- Tingling and numbness
- Shooting or stabbing pain in the toes
- Change in sensation in the toes and feet
- Decreased mobility
What causes peripheral neuropathy?
Diabetes is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy. In fact, 60-70% of diabetics will develop the condition. However, there are other factors that contribute to the development of the condition. For example, if you have a family history of peripheral neuropathy, you are more likely to develop it yourself. There is also a link between alcoholism and peripheral neuropathy.
Neurological disorders like spina bifida and fibromyalgia are also associated with the condition. Certain endocrine and autoimmune disorders can also lead to the development of peripheral arterial disease.
How is peripheral neuropathy treated?
There is no known cure for peripheral neuropathy. However, with proper care, you can slow the progression of the condition. Your doctor will help you to make lifestyle adjustments to keep your body as healthy and functional as possible. This may including losing weight, changing your diet to include a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, exercising regularly to improve strength and balance, and limiting your consumption of alcohol.
In addition to these behavioral changes, your doctor may prescribe medication to help relieve your symptoms. He will also perform frequent and thorough exams of your feet and ankles to monitor for any injuries and infections.
You will learn to check your feet at home, too. A loss of sensation in your feet is a common symptom, which means that you may not notice if you injure yourself. This makes is more likely that you won’t seek the necessary treatment for any injuries, which could lead to infection and other complications.